Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Getting my S**t together!!

So, I'm sure some of noticed the decline in updated my blog over the last few months. There are lots of things I could contributed to that, but the chief of all of them is laziness.So I apologize, and I'm working toward rememdied that both by fighting it harder, and by planning events that will excited me and hopefully excite more people to read this. So, I'm bringing back Flash Fiction, and also scheduling other events to liven and light this blog up! So, my new weekly programming is:
mmmMMMonday - - - featuring interviews with some of my favorite M/M authors
Touched Tuesdays - - - a forum to discuss my influences (TV, Books and Music)
WIP It Wednesday - - - my way of being held accountable by updating you, the reader, weekly
Flash Fiction Friday - - - used to inspire, write and have fun with writers (amateur and professional)
 So, without further ado, here is my project list updated  . . .
1. Exercising His Options FINISHED
2. The Question Game FINISHED and PUBLISHED
3.The Release of the Dragons (3178 words) nothing new
4. A Gender Confused (2362 words) emailed updates to FabVab
5. Carnal Choices (4488 words) nothing new
6. An Alien Encounter (6234 words) nothing new
7. Another Day … (23p, 3991words) BLOGGED
8. Across the World ---Researching
9. Meredith/ Tupla --- (612w) nothing new
10.Rainbow Rage --- (668 words) outlining, nothing new
11. Goldilocks ---Outlining, nothing new
12. A Kindness to Strangers ---Outlining, nothing new
13. What a Dom Wants --- 3rd Draft Work- Due Sept 15th
14. The Dark Side of Day --- Over 20k, nothing new
15. My Father’s Son---Outlined, nothing new
16 Broken, Not Fixed--- Outlined, nothing new
17. Absolute Power ---Outlined, nothing new
18. No Breeders Allowed --- Outlining, 3902 new words
19. Two Week Notice --- (2657 words) nothing new Deadline July 20th
20. The Black --- (2010 words) nothing new, but re-named
21. The Zombie Curse --- typed up (586 words) nothing new
22. Still Enprisoned ---nothing new
23. A Ghost of a Chance --- typed up (960 words) nothing new
24. The Unknown (524 words)
25. Kurt/ Roads Travelled --- A New Novel (1000 words)
So right now, the colors are: Finished Worked on This Week Backburner Work New Project

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